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Mental Health Blog

Melanie Donohue, LCSW

Melanie Donohue, LCSW

Founder & Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Coping With Empty Nest Syndrome

  As parents, we invest much of our lives in raising our children, nurturing them, and preparing them for the world. When they leave home, whether for college, work, or their own adventures, it can leave a significant emotional void. This phenomenon, known as Empty

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The Emotional Impact Of A Heart Attack

  A heart attack is a life-changing event not only physically but also emotionally. It can leave scars that are not visible, affecting emotions and mental health significantly. At Blue Moon Senior Counseling, our licensed therapists specialize in helping seniors navigate these challenging times. We

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How Daily Routines Improve Mental Health for Seniors

Mental health challenges among the elderly are a significant concern, with many seniors experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Establishing a daily routine can be a powerful tool in managing these issues, providing stability and a sense of control that may otherwise be

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Summer Safety For Seniors

  When the summer sun shines bright, it’s time for fun and outdoor activities. However, for seniors, this season brings unique challenges, particularly concerning heat safety. Understanding these risks and taking proactive steps to mitigate them is crucial for embracing summer safely.   Table of

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Warning Signs of Caregiver Burnout

  Caregiving is a noble and rewarding responsibility. However, it can also be incredibly taxing, both physically and emotionally. Recognizing the signs of caregiver burnout is crucial for maintaining the well-being of both the caregiver and the person receiving care.  Table of Contents: What is

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Home Safety Tips for Seniors

  Home safety is paramount for seniors. As we age, our bodies and abilities change, making us more susceptible to accidents and injuries. Ensuring a safe living environment can greatly enhance the quality of life for seniors and help prevent traumatic injuries.   Table of

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Understanding and Managing Personality Changes in Older Adults

  As individuals age, they undergo various physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. These changes can sometimes manifest in alterations in personality traits and behaviors, posing unique challenges for both the individuals themselves and those around them.   Table of Contents Types of Personality Changes Causes

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The Psychological Impact of Elder Abuse

  Elder abuse is a deeply troubling phenomenon that affects millions of seniors worldwide, often leaving lasting scars on its victims. From physical violence to financial exploitation, the mistreatment of older adults can have devastating consequences for their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.   Table

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How Vision Loss Affects Mental Health

  When it comes to vision loss, the effects often reach far beyond just seeing clearly. For seniors, losing vision can be tough, not just physically, but emotionally too. It’s like entering a whole new world where everything feels different, and it’s easy to feel

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