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The Physical and Psychological Effects of Aging

Aging is an inevitable part of life that brings about a wide range of changes. Many seniors worry about the physical and psychological effects of the aging process, but aging is a natural experience. You can minimize the negative impacts of aging by taking care of your physical and mental health. However, some changes are always to be expected. The best thing you can do to stay happy as you age is to embrace the unavoidable changes and continue living a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Effects of Aging

The effects aging will have on your body depends on your lifestyle, genetics, and whether you have any chronic health conditions. Some older adults reach their 80s or 90s without any major health problems. Others start to feel the effects of aging much sooner. The following are the changes that most seniors experience to some degree as they age:

Bone Density Loss

Around age 50, older adults start losing bone tissue faster than their body can rebuild it. This leads to a gradual decline in bone density. As bones become weaker and more brittle, the risk of fractures increases. You can increase your bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis by consuming plenty of calcium and getting regular exercise.

Decrease in Flexibility

You may become less flexible with age because the fluid between your joints decreases. Your ligaments and muscle fibers may also shorten, which can make your joints feel stiff. A loss of flexibility can cause general pain and discomfort and can increase your risk of falling.

Increased Risk of Heart Problems

The cardiovascular system becomes less effective as you age. Your blood vessels may thicken, requiring your heart to work harder to pump blood. The blood itself becomes thinner, though. You can maintain good heart health by eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding alcohol and smoking. However, even the healthiest seniors are at an increased risk of cardiovascular problems compared to younger adults.

Digestive Changes

Your digestive system may slow down as you age. The slowing of the digestive system causes more water to be absorbed into your intestine, which causes constipation. Your stomach lining may also be more vulnerable to damage, which can increase your risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

Changes in Skin, Hair, and Nails

Skin tends to lose its elasticity with age because of a reduction in collagen. This can lead to wrinkles and translucent skin. Your nails may become thicker and more brittle as well. Hair also changes noticeably with most seniors experiencing hair loss and graying.

Psychological Effects of Aging

Aging affects more than your body. It can also cause significant changes in your brain. Sometimes, changes in the brain’s chemistry account for changes in your mood or personality. In other cases, life experiences are the main cause of mental health concerns. Here are some of the most common psychological effects of getting older:

Decreased Executive Functioning

Certain aspects of your executive functioning skills may change with age. For instance, many older adults see a decrease in their attention span and focus. Your working memory may decline as well. However, decision-making skills tend to improve with age because you’re able to apply your wisdom and experiences to new decisions without overanalyzing.

Memory Changes

One of the most common psychological effects of the aging process is a decline in memory. You may struggle to remember someone’s name, or you may forget what you were talking about in the middle of a sentence. Some seniors face more serious challenges with memory loss, but mild memory issues are a typical part of aging.

Slower Reaction Time

Seniors often have a slower reaction time than younger adults. You may need longer to process information and craft a response. This can be incredibly frustrating for older adults who feel like they aren’t as sharp as they once were, but it isn’t a sign of declining intelligence. Instead, you might just need an extra moment to process.

Decreased Dopamine

Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that boosts your mood and enhances your motivation and pleasure. As your dopamine levels decline, you may not get as intense of a feeling of satisfaction from certain experiences or substances. However, decreasing dopamine levels can also be beneficial. You’re less likely to engage in risky behavior or act on impulse as you age because the effects of dopamine aren’t as strong.

Increased Self-consciousness

Increased self-consciousness may not result from a change in your brain chemistry, but it’s a very real experience for many seniors. As you experience the physical changes of aging, you may feel more aware of your appearance. You might worry about how your looks may influence your professional or social life, which can lead to intense feelings of anxiety or depression.

Health Anxiety

Older adults are at an increased risk of falling, developing a chronic health condition, and experiencing a medical emergency. Even if you’re in great shape, you might experience anxiety about your health. If you’re diagnosed with a serious medical condition, you may feel anxious about how the rest of your life may change as a result.

Grief and Loss

Loss can happen at any time, but it becomes more common as you age. Your spouse, siblings, and friends are all aging with you. Losing the people close to you can be extremely difficult and can be one of the most painful psychological effects of getting older.
The physical and psychological effects of getting older are natural, but they can be difficult to cope with. If you’re struggling with your mental health as you age, counseling for seniors may help. You and your therapist can discuss your feelings about the aging process. As you come to terms with the effects of aging, you’ll develop a better sense of peace and satisfaction with your life.
Blue Moon Senior Counseling provides therapy for seniors who are experiencing negative psychological effects from the aging process. If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, cognitive issues, or any other mental or emotional concerns, we’re here to help. You can contact us today to learn more about counseling for seniors.

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