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Self-Esteem in Seniors: Activities to Boost Confidence

Low self-esteem can be a troubling problem for people of all ages. When you don’t feel confident in yourself, you might avoid meeting new people or trying new activities, and you can develop some unpleasant negative thinking habits. This can be especially challenging in your older years as this should be a time to enjoy your life to the fullest. When your self-esteem and mental health are declining, it can get in the way of your overall well-being.
For many seniors, low self-esteem and aging go hand-in-hand. Some older adults experience a decline in confidence because of changes in their physical appearance, and others struggle with self-esteem due to health problems, limited mobility, or loss of independence. Sometimes, seniors have low self-esteem as a result of feeling disconnected from the rest of the world.
Although certain people may be prone to low self-esteem, anyone can boost their self-esteem by making some small but impactful lifestyle changes. You don’t have to completely change your life overnight when you’re facing low self-esteem. Instead, you can take accessible, manageable steps every day to gradually improve your self-image until you feel confident in yourself.

Here Are Eight Tips for How to Improve Self-esteem and Boost Confidence in Seniors


1. Maintain good hygiene.

Keeping up with hygiene is one of the best ways for seniors to improve their confidence. Sometimes, low self-esteem causes people to neglect self-care as they don’t feel like they’re worth the effort. However, when you know that you look good, you’ll feel good about yourself.
Showering daily, maintaining good oral hygiene, and wearing clean clothes can help you feel more confident. Even if you plan on staying home all day, completing your daily hygiene routine is a great way to lift your mood and improve your opinion of yourself.

2. Stay active.

Increasing your activity level can improve your self-esteem in a number of ways. First, exercise is one of the best ways to alleviate stress and anxiety. If your negative self-image is taking a toll on your mental health, adding more activity to your day can help you find peace of mind. Exercising helps you feel good about your physical health and appearance, too, and it can make you feel more independent.
Being active can increase your opportunities for social interaction as well. For example, you could take a senior exercise class or join a hiking club to expand your social network. Making these connections can remind you that you’re a fun person and a good friend, and it can help you feel more motivated to get out of the house and prioritize your health.

3. Spend time with friends.

Quality time with loved ones is an excellent way to increase your self-esteem. It’s a reminder that you offer a lot of value to the people in your life and that your friends and family enjoy spending time with you. If you don’t have many close friendships, try to expand your circle by joining clubs, reaching out to neighbors, or finding other opportunities to connect with new people. Everyone needs meaningful social interaction, and you’re never too old to form new friendships.

4. Wear clothes you love.

Seniors sometimes think that they’re too old to enjoy fashion, but wearing clothes you feel confident in can dramatically boost your self-esteem. Everyone deserves to feel good about how they look, and there are virtually limitless options when it comes to clothing. Your wardrobe is a chance to express yourself and your unique style, and choosing clothes that you love and feel great in will improve your mood and make you feel more active and motivated.
Look for the clothing items you love instead of the items you think you’re supposed to wear as an older adult. Some people love bright colors and bold patterns, and others like wearing simpler clothes paired with accessories. If you’re not sure where to start, you could ask for input from a friend or family member whose style you like.

5. Install home modifications when needed.

If you’re struggling with your confidence because of difficulties navigating your home, installing modifications could improve your mental health. Almost all seniors experience at least some loss in mobility and independence, but home modifications allow you to safely take care of your activities of daily living on your own. You could install handrails in the shower, invest in kitchen utensils that are easy to grip, or reorganize your home so that your most-used items are easy to reach.

6. Volunteer.

Not only is volunteering good for your community, but it provides you with a meaningful sense of accomplishment. It feels great to offer your time and energy to a worthy cause. Volunteering is a chance to make new friends and socialize, too. You could use the internet to find volunteer opportunities in your area, or you could check out your local library or community center to see if there are upcoming charitable events.

7. Set goals.

No matter your age, you can always find ways to improve yourself and your skills. By setting practical, achievable goals, you motivate yourself to learn and grow. You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment when you reach the milestones, which can strengthen your self-confidence overall.
If you currently have a hobby or talent, try setting small goals to improve that skill. For example, you could challenge yourself to read a certain number of books in a month or to participate in an art show to display your paintings. You can also set goals to try out new hobbies or activities until you find something you’re passionate about.

8. Talk to a therapist.

Sometimes, self-criticism can become so severe that it’s hard to overcome on your own. If your low self-esteem is getting in the way of your life, seeking professional support might be the answer. While finding activities that help you feel confident can improve your self-image, therapy may be necessary to break free from negative thinking habits. During counseling, you can learn how to challenge your critical inner voice and focus on your strengths instead.
Feeling confident in yourself can open up a whole world of possibilities. You’re less afraid to put yourself out there and meet new friends, and you’re proud to share your knowledge and talents with the world. High self-esteem empowers you to improve your social life, your physical health, and many other aspects of your well-being. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, it can be hard to imagine feeling truly confident. However, self-esteem is something you can work to build. By engaging in the activities that help you feel good about yourself, you’ll boost your confidence and gain a more positive outlook on your life.
Blue Moon Senior Counseling provides therapy services for older adults. If you or a loved one is dealing with low self-esteem or another mental health concern, you can contact us today for professional support.

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